Russian Methodology III
Guarantors: Doc. Liudmila Valova, CSc.
Milí studenti,
předmět DIDZ3 je pokračváním předchozích dvou kurzů a navazuje také na vaši pedagogickou praxi. Předpokládám tedy, že jste již ve svých didaktických znalostech, dovednostech a zkušenostech značně pokročili. Nyní se budeme soutředit na výuku jazykových plánů v cizím jazyce, na metodiku práce s autentickými materiály. Součástí kurzu bude i projektové vyučování.
Těším se na setkávání s vámi,
Michaela Pešková
Last updated:
Course annotation
Lectures focus on the methodology of teaching language skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening comprehension) in all their aspects (linguistic and psychological bases, classification, typology of language, speech and communication exercises, traditional and activation approaches, motivation, evaluation and testing, processing in the textbook sets for teaching Russian at elementary schools etc.), as well as on the use of translation in teaching Russian and developing textual competence of students in general. They discuss issues of evaluation and testing and an error in traditional and modern concepts. They acquaint with the theory and practical use of ELP and CEFR. They deal with crosscutting themes and key competences of RVP (general educational program) in Russian lessons, the inclusion of interdisciplinary relationships and CLIL methods. They give an overview of the possibilities of the involvement of ICT in teaching foreign languages (the Internet in Russian lessons, WebQuest, e-textbooks, flesh-books, e-learning, m-learning, interactive whiteboards, tablets). They define interculturalism and socio-cultural approach in teaching foreign languages, summarize the use of authentic (versus adapted) materials (work with songs, movies and maps in language classes). They focus on project-based teaching and its use in teaching foreign languages. At least one lecture or a seminar will be led by an expert from a practice as a workshop.
In seminars, students apply knowledge gained in lectures in the activities of varying type and scope with the emphasis on skills to explain and illustratively demonstrate. They practice their presentation skills, especially by presenting their paper on the current topic of MFL with the multimedia support and subsequent (self) evaluation. The seminar includes also an assignment and solution of the group project with its final presentation and evaluation at the end of the semester. Students will learn the rules of project management methodology and project-based teaching via the project. Students continue rehearsing and discussing selected methods and teaching practices. They keep a portfolio of future foreign language teachers (EPOSTL). |
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