na stránkách předmětu Projektování výrobních systémů. Absolvováním tohoto kurzu se student naučí projektovat technologické stavby v technických, ekonomických a právních souvislostech.
Course has neither
recommended (for your information)
Course annotation
The course focuses on the following areas:
production capacity calculations (specification of workplaces, machines, workers and areas needed); dynamic capacity calculations, including efficiency calculations; machine tool layout; production lines; manual assembly workplace planning; power supply and structural parts of the project; general plan of a plant; computer-aided production system planning; subsidiary plant planning (material stocks, tool shops, repair shops, grinding shops, tool issuing rooms, laboratories).
It is recomeneaded that this course should be taken together with the following courses: Material Handling Planning (KTO/PMM), Robots and Robotization of Engineering Production (KTO/RR), Ergonomics (KTO/EE), Indoor Environment in Industry (KTO/TP).